Thursday, March 13, 2008

#26 Online Music Creation and Re-Mixing

Online music mixing sites and freely downloadable recording softwares can be really fun to play with and, without doubt, totally awesome for those who want to make their own music or recordings but have no interest in shilling out hundreds of dollars for pricey software packages. For Teen Tech Week some of the teens and I played around with several online drum machines, Splice Music, and Tony-B - and I have to say, even though several of them were often frustrated with how complex the online music mixing sites turned out to be, I was excited to see them expanding their knowledge of online tools and using their creativity to enhance their web presence (such as uploading their tunes to their MySpace pages, rather than illegally using some horrible sounding version of the new, hit song). As I mentioned in my previous post, it seems our notion of collaborative art has been developing with exciting new possiblities for the future. Relationships and new networks based on collaborative creativity bring a new dimension to to the term "world music."

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